Miliciana Marina Ginestá, member of the
Communist Youth, taken on the 21th July 1936 at the penthouse of the
Hotel Colón in Barcelona. Marina apparently is still alive in París and
is over 90 years young. Via (Thanx Dave!)
My old age haze did make me think that the Ramones/Talking Heads gig was on the Friday instead of the Saturday though. My old friend Allan recently revisited this spectacular weekend once again and who can blame him?
In my late teens and early 20s, Adrian Sherwood's work impacted on me more than anything I had previously heard and made me think about sonic possibilities in a completely new way. I would buy any record he had been involved with unheard and got into a lot of other artists purely because he had been involved with making their records. Indeed, my nom de plume "Twitch" came from a record he produced and our Optimo slogan "We Love Your Ears" came from the sleeve of a record he remixed. I hadn't listened to a lot of these records for many, many years and fell in love with them all over again while putting this together. It was a complete labour of love to do and a revelation to hear how fresh and wild this music still sounds."
This mix is the first half of a three hour mix by JD Twitch. This half "focuses on his more electronic wild side (Tackhead, Fats Comet, Keith LeBlanc etc.)" while the second half is dedicated to his dub work with the likes of Creation Rebel. Find that here: Optimo Podcast 12 - Adrian Sherwood On U Sound mix part 2 (dub) by JD Twitch