Friday, 20 April 2012

Tasting The Rainbow

Ring of colour: An ant’s transparent abdomen shows the colour of the food they have eaten. (Mohamed Babu / Solent News & Photo Agency) 

Just me?

Or is there something wrong with this sentence -
'The restriction on voting rights will remain in place ''for as long as the company deems it necessary to maintain compliance with US law'', News Corp said.'

Cherry blossom watching in Fukushima Prefecture



(Thanx Katherine!)

Anthony Atala: Printing a human kidney Surgeon Anthony Atala demonstrates an early-stage experiment that could someday solve the organ-donor problem: a 3D printer that uses living cells to output a transplantable kidney. Using similar technology, Dr. Atala's young patient Luke Massella received an engineered bladder 10 years ago; we meet him onstage.

Lucinda on Levon

A little over a year ago, Levon Helm invited me to open two shows for him in Toronto.
Well aware of my Louisiana heritage, he enthusiastically let it be known that he and his band had worked up a version of "Crescent City" and asked if I would sing that song with them and also sit in on "Evangeline". I'll never forget Levon's ear to ear grin as we played those songs.The short time I spent with him over those two nights left a deep and lasting impression on me.
I heard the sad news today and I am in tears as I write this. I lost a hero and a friend. His music inspired and influenced me during my early years and still does, to this day. And now that I've been honored to have spent some time with Levon, I have to say that I will always remember him with a twinkle in his eyes, a smile as warm and friendly as his native Arkansas land and an endearing and infectious spirit that will live on forever.
Thank you for your musical lessons, Levon. Rave on, brother.
- Lucinda Williams

What to consider before signing up for Google Drive

♪♫ Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan - One Too Many Mornings

Moving at the sound of speed!!!

Greenwald: Assange show - Kremlin propaganda? Look who’s talking!




Why you should care about the TPP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement ("TPP") is a free trade agreement currently being negotiated by nine countries: The United States, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. Although the TPP covers a wide range of issues, this site focuses on the TPP's intellectual property (IP) chapter.
The TPP suffers from a serious lack of transparency, threatens to impose more stringent copyright without public input, and pressures foreign governments to adopt unbalanced laws.
Many of the same special interests that pushed for legislation like SOPA and PIPA have special access to this forum—including privileged access to the text as well as US negotiators.
Excessive copyright rights and enforcement adversely affect that ability of creators to create content, the ability of technology companies to make innovative products, and that ability of users to use content in new ways...

Living The Language

Australia, which was once home to 200 languages, now suffers from the highest rate of language extinction in the world.

Free $10 Million Loans For All! and Other Wall Street Notes

God save the fugn Queen???

1. Oh Susannah
2. Clementine
3. Tom Dula
4. Gallows Pole
5. Get A Job
6. Travel On
7. High Flyin' Bird
8. Jesus' Chariot
9. This Land Is Your Land
10. Wayfarin' Stranger
11. God Save The Queen
'Americana' is the first album from Neil Young & Crazy Horse in nearly nine years. Crazy Horse is: Billy Talbot, Ralph Molina, Poncho Sampedro and Neil Young. As you’ll see from the track listing, 'Americana' is collection of classic, American folk songs. In their day, some of these may have been referred to as “protest songs,” “murder ballads,” or campfire-type songs passed down with universal, relatable tales for everyman. Some of these compositions which, like “Tom Dooley” and “Oh Susannah,” were written in the 1800s, while others, like “This Land Is Your Land” (utilizing the original, widely misinterpreted “deleted verses”) and “Get A Job,” are mid-20th-century folk classics. It’s also interesting to note that “God Save The Queen,” Britain’s national anthem, also became the de facto national anthem of sorts before the establishment of The Union as we know it until we came to adopt our very own “The Star Spangled Banner,” which has been recognized for use as early as 1889 and made our official national anthem in 1931. Each of these compositions is very much part of the fabric of our American heritage; the roots of what we think of as “Americana” in cultural terms, using songs as a way of passing along information and documenting our past. What ties these songs together is the fact that while they may represent an America that may no longer exist, the emotions and scenarios behind these songs still resonate with what’s going on in the country today with equal, if not greater impact nearly 200 years later. The lyrics reflect the same concerns and are still remarkably meaningful to a society going through economic and cultural upheaval, especially during an election year. They are just as poignant and powerful today as the day they were written.

Obama sits on the Rosa Parks bus
