Monday, 12 December 2011

Correlation or Causation?

When Truth Survives Free Speech

Roy Slaven & HG Nelson interview Nick Cave

Newt Gingrich the Galactic Historian

Coldcut Meets The Orb

(Thanx SJX!)

After Fatal Shooting of Mustafa Tamimi, Israeli Soldiers Defended Use of Force Online

Feinstein: Senate Panel's Probe of CIA Torture Program Concludes It Was 'Far More Widespread and Systematic Than We Thought'

The Citigroup Plutonomy Memos: Two bombshell documents that Citigroup's lawyers try to suppress, describing in detail the rule of the first 1%


Blaming the victim

Less then two weeks after 9/11 this happened. What went wrong?

Solidarity, Russell Simmons and 'All-American Muslim'

John Zorn: Arch-Rebel Turned New-Music Luminary

♪♫ Radiohead - Supercollider (Live From The Basement 2011)


Adalita (and Dean Turner's kids) @ Meredith 2011

The Media Blog 
Coldplay have done well for a U2 tribute band... 'Achtung Maybe' have been playing pubs for 18 years now and still no big break.

Newt Gingrich: Julian Assange Is An Enemy Combatant
