Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Steve Earle

Targeted Killing and Drone Warfare: How We Came to Debate Whether There is a ‘Legal Geography of War’
Why is the word 'slut' so powerful?
Christopher Hitchens: Unspoken Truths

Audio battlefield would prepare troops for combat or a typical Slayer concert

Ever wondered how well playing Call of Duty at maximum volume mimics a real combat experience? Researchers at the Missouri University of Science and Technology must have asked a similar question, because they've built a 64-speaker surround-sound audio battlefield designed to train new troops. The system reproduces screaming fighter jets, rumbling tanks, and persistent gunfire -- all the better to accommodate recruits to the overwhelming, disorienting cacophony of warfare. Veterans say even with the four large 20-hertz subwoofers, it's nowhere near the real thing: combat volume is 25 percent louder than the average rock concert, at levels that can cause permanent hearing loss. Still, the creators say every bit of training helps; having near-combat experience is certainly better than none at all. So tell that to your neighbors next time they bang on your wall.
Jesse Hicks @'engadget'

Monday, 9 May 2011

Anonymous civil war as AnonOps sites are hacked

Skream - Where You Should Be (DocDaneeka's Curtain Rd. Remix)

Lucky I'm not paranoid...

Photo: The not so wee feller

Smoking # 92


♪♫ Keith Richards, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams III and Ryan Adams - Dead Flowers

Japan, U.S. plan nuclear waste storage in Mongolia

The Double Game

Damn glitches!!!

Grant Blakeman - Minimalism (For a More Full Life)

U.S. Raises Pressure on Pakistan in Raid’s Wake