Monday, 31 January 2011

Principles of War

#25jan #egypt

Dan Nolan
Unsure if arrested or about to be deported. 6 of us held at army checkpoint outside Hilton hotel. Equipment seized too.

John Barry RIP

Bond composer John Barry dies aged 77

Sharing is not piracy

MoMA Acquires 23 Fonts for Architecture and Design Collection

Explore Joe Fig’s Mini Recreations of Artist Studios

The studios of Jackson Pollock (top) and Chuck Close 
Nearly ten years ago, in an effort to explore the working methods of artists like Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning, Brooklyn artist Joe Fig began constructing a series of diorama-like mini reproductions of their studios. The research ultimately led to Fig’s book, Inside the Painter’s Studio, which includes interviews with Chuck Close, Mary Heilmann, Ryan McGinness, Steve Mumford, Alexis Rockman, and others about their creative process, alongside photos snapped in their studio spaces. Click through to check out a gallery of Fig’s work, and if you live in New York, be sure to check out his upcoming public lecture at SVA on February 3 at 7pm...


Daniel Assange
What's with all the references to a "five-gigabyte hard drive"? Are American bank executives all living in 1995 or something?
Al Arabiya English
Egyptian film legend Omar Sharif joins calls for Mubarak to step down, says 30 years in power is enough

#jan25 #egypt حراس سجن أبو زعبل يعدمون المعتقلين السياسين أمس

Abu Zaabal prison guards executed prisoners politicians yesterday

White House quietly prepares for a post-Mubarak era in Egypt


♪♫ The Subterraneans - My Flamingo/Veiled Women

Via (BIG thanx Marc for the vid!)

Chrissie Hynde puts the 'S' into SEX

Go Away #jan25 #egypt

Blake Hounshell
Note: If the police can be ordered back onto the streets, somebody must have originally ordered them to stand down.