Friday, 10 December 2010

Chatroulette, iPad, Justin Bieber: The Year According to Google

Two sides to every story...

One way of looking at it...
...& another!
(Click to enlarge pics)

MRC Riddims - Sex and Money

Anger at 'slave trader' Assange: WikiLeaks loyalists decide to break away

"Less political"?  What's the fugn point? More wank esp as Domschelt-Berg aka. Daniel Schmitt has an axe to grind...oh and a book to sell!

Game change

If this image is to be believed—and I have no reason not to, other than that I found it on the internet—the rebel squadrons behind Anonymous (attn. "news" hacks - that would be an entirely different group from Wikileaks and/or Wikipedia) are about to change their approach. So far, as we've witnessed, they have been launching point-and-click distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks at companies perceived as the enemies of Wikileaks. Those targets included Mastercard, Paypal, and Visa (companies that froze donation funding), and Amazon (which denied hosting services). The new approach suggests more sophisticated thinking. This new mission, apparently, is to actually read the cables Wikileaks has published and find the most interesting bits that haven't been publicized yet, then publicize them.
In my opinion, this action would have far more positive impact. Anonymous often repeats the Orwell quote, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." Looks like they decided to take those words to heart.
Sean Bonner @'Boing Boing'

(TEDTalk) Christopher "moot" Poole: The case for anonymity online


will the real "Anonymous" please stand up? moot

 ron paul /b/,

i keep getting a lot of requests to be connected with "Anonymous". can you guys please point him out to me??????

much appreciated



Defend Assange and WikiLeaks on Human Rights Day in Melbourne

December 10, 4.30pm at the State Library.

Spread the word...

The demonstration will go till about 6 or so - so people should come after work.
For more information on the Melbourne demonstration call:
Vashti: 0423407910
Charles Custer ChinaGeeks BBC, CNN, etc. websites blocked. Happy Human Rights Day, everyone!

GB 2010 ("Off with their heads!")

Snakes on mathematical planes

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

GB2010 (Paint bombs)

Cyber attacks: payback time

In a cyber attack known as Operation Payback, a group of online activists called Anonymous targeted the websites of companies that had treated WikiLeaks like a bad smell. Visa, MasterCard, Paypal and Amazon have all had their websites, and in some cases their services, affected. Welcome to the world of the chaotic good. It is chaotic. But is it good?
These companies all considered that their association with WikiLeaks damaged their brand image, a reflection prompted in some cases by a helpful call from the US state department. In essence they are trying to have it both ways: pretending in their marketing that they are free spirits and enablers of the cyber world, but only living up to that image as long as they don't upset anyone really important. At Amazon there is real confusion between the two roles: it refused to host WikiLeaks but continued to sell an eBook of the leaked cables online.
The hacktivists of Anonymous may be accused of many things – such as immaturity or being run by a herd instinct. But theirs is the cyber equivalent of non-violent action or civil disobedience. It disrupts rather than damages. In challenging the credit card companies and the web hosts in this way, they are reminding these businesses that their brand reputation relies not only on how the state department sees them, but also on how they maintain their independence in the eyes of their users.
Not all the targets of the internet activists are the right ones. The website of the Swedish prosecution authority, which is currently attempting to extradite Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, on rape charges, and the website of Claes Borgström, the Stockholm lawyer representing the two women who made the allegations, were also brought down. As our interview with Mr Borgström makes clear, these women are going through hell: first for being the alleged victims of sexual assault, and second for being accused of involvement in some form of CIA honeytrap. The women's right to anonymity has been abandoned online as bloggers rake through their CVs. In Sweden, as in other countries, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution, and the test, beyond reasonable doubt, is set high. Far better would be to let the legal systems in Sweden and Britain take their course.
In times when big business and governments attempt to monitor and control everything, there is a need as never before for an internet that remains a free and universal form of communication. WikiLeaks' chief crime has been to speak truth to power. What is at stake is nothing less than the freedom of the internet. All the rest is a sideshow distracting attention from the real battle that is being fought. We should all keep focus on the true target. 
The Guardian, Fri 10 Dec 2010 00.01 GMT
John Perry Barlow JPBarlow RT @opendna: @Anon_Operations is the impostor/satire account. The threat vs EFF is a hoax. [The attack is real.]