Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Paul Chambers found guilty of twitter 'bomb hoax'

"Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You've got a week... otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!"
£1,000 fine and a criminal record... 
Full story
@'Jack of Kent'
Paul was half way through qualifying as an accountant. 
Conviction means he can't qualify. 
His career is ruined! 
Fugn hell!!!
What can I say?

Monday, 10 May 2010

Dispute brews over pornographic images on Wikimedia

Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales has revoked some of his Wikipedia founder's privileges
A row over sexually explicit content on the web encyclopaedia Wikipedia and related sites has escalated.
Co-founder Jimmy Wales gave up some of his site privileges following protests by contributors angered that he had deleted images without consultation.
Mr Wales had previously urged the deletion of "pornographic" content, and removed images from the site.
This followed a complaint about "child pornography" to the FBI from another Wikipedia co-founder.
In early April, the estranged co-founder, Larry Sanger, reported Wikimedia Commons to the FBI, alleging that the organisation was "knowingly distributing child pornography".
He later clarified that his concern was not about photographs of children, but "obscene visual representations of the abuse of children", which can include drawings and sculpture.
Sexually explicit content Last week, administrators of Wikimedia Commons, a media file store widely used for Wikipedia articles, deleted hundreds of images.
Some images deemed by the Wikipedia community to have educational merit have since been reinstated.
Mr Wales had earlier posted his support for the removal of "images that are of little or no educational value but which appeal solely to prurient interests", deleting many pictures himself.
Pressure on the organisation had increased after Fox News reported the story, contacting a number of high-profile corporate donors to the Wikimedia Foundation, which owns Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and related sites.
It asked whether the donors were aware of "the extent of sexually explicit content" on Wikimedia Commons.
It is not clear whether Mr Wales's support for the removal of explicit content was in response to Mr Sanger's concerns, pressure from Fox News, or something else.
But Michael Peel, Chair of Wikimedia UK, told BBC News that a continuous debate over explicit content has recently "come to a head". The central issue at the moment, he says, is "whether the content is educational".
"Anyone can come to Wikimedia Commons and upload media. Illegal stuff is deleted, and copyright stuff is deleted."
Mr Wales has faced criticism from the band of volunteers who help to maintain the site, some of whom argued that the decision to delete was undemocratic and taken too quickly. They also expressed concerns that valid material might be deleted accidentally.
On Sunday, in response, Jimmy Wales voluntarily revoked many of the "permissions" given to him as Wikipedia's founder, to delete and edit "protected" content on Wikimedia Commons.
In a message to the Wikimedia Foundation mailing list he said this was "in the interest of encouraging this discussion to be about real philosophical/content issues, rather than be about me and how quickly I acted".
A more detailed policy statement from the Wikimedia Foundation is expected in the coming days.
Academic paper for
'busty blondes get more tips' 

RIP Lena Horne

Vatican cardinal attacks fellow cardinal for 'covering up' abuse case

Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, 65, who is seen as a possible future Pope, slammed his fellow prince of the Church, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, 83, for dismissing the paedophile priest crisis as "petty gossip."
Cardinal Schoenborn said that Cardinal Sodano, who is currently Dean of the Vatican's all powerful College of Cardinals, had attempted to cover up of a high profile Austrian sex abuse case.

Harry Chapin - W.O.L.D.

"...grab life by the ears every day and French kiss it to the ground"

Jacqueline du Pre was diagnosed with MS in 1973. She died in 1987. 14 years.
(Snappy opening, eh?)
Richard Pryor was diagnosed with MS in 1986. He died in 2005. 19 years.
Ronnie "Plonk" Lane was diagnosed with MS in 1977. He died in 1997. 20 years.
I had been diagnosed with MS in 1990.
(I've just realised that "tick-tock" might mean nothing to anyone under 30. It represents the sound of an old-fashioned, wind-up clock; a metaphorical representation of the inexorable passing of time as it heads towards its inevitable conclusion. Young people might like to think of a Tom Cruise movie.)
I'm just treading water and that's not easy with my legs.
Don't panic. It won't be for some time yet. It's not as if I'm dictating this while trying to plug the chair into the mains. No, everything is lovely at the moment. Indeed, as Ronnie "Plonk" Lane and his Small Faces so eloquently put it, "I feel inclined/to blow my mind/get hung up, feed the ducks with a bun." You can't argue with that kind of searing insight into the human condition.
Actually, I had made my decision on 10th May 2007, which happened to be the day that Blair announced that he would be standing down. My decision had nothing to do with Tony's decision. Thad ended a long time ago when he went mental in the brainbox and became George's bitch.
I had been running various MS scenarios in my head the night before and they had brought me to a simple truth. I did not want to grimly hang on to a life where success would be measured by how long I could keep going."Wake up, Jim! Good morning! Now, just give us a minute to clear up all this piss and shit, give you a bed bath, change the sheets, feed you breakfast, give you your medication and then you can have a nice little sleep until lunch."
I am slowly withdrawing from the world. As walking became more difficult, I got the walking stick. As walking with a walking stick became more difficult, I got the wheelchair. As my hands weakened, I travelled by car with assistance. When my legs packed up completely, I was chauffeur wheelchaired up the road. As the whole body packed up, I stayed home.
I have been indoors for 2 1/2 years. Now, I watch the world through my TV, which seems to have become a portal into the future. 3D TV?  Apps? Wii? Britain's Got Talent?
I'm back here in the late 90s and you've all moved on.
I am like a fisherman standing in the middle of a fast flowing river, flicking the fly upstream into the water, watching it rush by and reeling it back again hoping to have caught something.
(Having read that last paragraph, I can't decide whether it is: (a) a simile (b) an analogy (c) bollocks.)
I spend all day in my room. It's a lovely room with plenty of space and patio doors that open onto a secluded garden that I have not been to since I don't know when....and I continue to grow weaker.
My immune system had fought bravely but eventually it was overwhelmed, particularly the left hand side of my body. It has behaved like Austria in 1938, i.e. grumbled a bit then put out the bunting, trestle tables and jellies to welcome the conquering hero.
My daily drug regime includes: Baclofen, a muscle relaxant to ease the leg spasms.(at the maximum dose of 120 mg.)Diazepam(sounds like low-fat yoghurt , acts like a full-fat elephant tranquilliser). Tizanidine (rides shotgun with Diazepam at bedtime).
 My District Nurse’s comment when I told her? " My God! How do you stay awake?"
 I did not mention the Pinot Noir and medicinal marijuana – that would have been showing off.
I have my wonderful carers. They hoist me out of bed in the morning, undress and shower me, hoist me back on the bed to dry me and apply the various creams that help control little bedsores, as well as a recent addition to my MS symptoms, eczema. They dress and hoist me into the wheelchair, feed me breakfast, give me my medication, put the MacDictate headphones in place and ride off to another client before returning at lunchtime.
By the time I have brushed my teeth and changed from a daytime T-shirt to a nighttime vest and been safely tucked up in bed, it's 20:45. Give or take the odd five minutes, the routine never changes; 24/365 (366 in a leap year).
The same routine every day; breakfast, lunch, bed, teatime, bed. 7:30/12:30/17:00/20:05.
Mission Impossible...Mission Impossible II...Mission Impossible III...
So, the seatbelt sign will be switched on at some point as I'm coming in to land. But, my hermit lifestyle has given me the time to run through my life with a fine tooth comb, (although my short-term memory is a bit dodgy) and this has meant that I have been able to re-examine events in my life from childhood memories right up to the present day (although my short-term memory is a bit dodgy).
The result of this forensic exploration? I have had a fabulous life. My Catholic infused education was woefully inadequate. It would be a nice to have learned a little about Darwin and his Satanic Verse, "Origin of Species."  But, apart from that it has gone spectacularly well. (I'd love to have a proper session in a pub but my hands are too weak and I'm not drinking Guinness through a straw. I'd end up with a hernia.)
I still enjoy my life, my family, my friends. My beautiful daughter reads, "Cold Comfort Farm", I listen to music old and new, I’m learning a bit about Darwin, confirming my atheism through the consciousness-raising works of Richard Dawkins, and I'm going to be able to get to the garden if it's a good summer which it will be even if it rains! I'm not in any pain, my voice still works and my brain is still ticking over nicely (although my short-term memory is a bit dodgy.)
Regrets? Apart from missing "Brtain's First High Definition Election Night Broadcast" on Sky, I lean towards Edith rather than Frank.
I have no advice on how to live life. Except this; (a) grab life by the ears every day and French kiss it to the ground and (b) don't get to old age clutching a list headed, "I wish I'd......"  I haven't got one. Mind you, I had no plan to begin with. Life just happened and took me along with it. Fabulous fun. 
Jim Sweeney @'My Space'

Sweetest moment of the UK election!

The BP oil spill and American capitalism

The explosion on the BP oil rig Deepwater Horizon on April 20 off Louisiana’s coast, which took the lives of 11 workers and has resulted in a massive oil slick that threatens economic and environmental ruin for the Gulf Coast, stands as a powerful exposure of American capitalism.
Each day brings new revelations that federal regulators under both the Bush and Obama administrations aided and abetted BP and the oil industry as they disregarded safety and environmental precautions that might have prevented the disaster.
Some of the most recent revelations include:
• In 2000 the Minerals Management Service (MMS) requested industry advice on problems related to the cementing used around deep sea well caps to stop blowouts. The oil industry never produced recommendations, and no regulation was put in place.
• A 2002 study conducted by the MMS revealed that vital equipment on oil rig blowout preventers did not function. In laboratory testing of one manufacturer’s shear rams—devices used to sever pipes after a blowout—half failed. Seven other makers refused to have their shear rams tested.
• In 2002, Pers Holland, a Norwegian researcher commissioned by the MMS, found that two sets of shear rams should be used in blowout preventers, rather than the industry standard of one. Holland reported that using a single cutting device could result in failure to plug leaks in 10 percent of all blowouts. The MMS disregarded Holland’s proposal.
• A study commissioned by the MMS in 2004 raised serious doubts as to whether equipment in blowout protectors could even function under deep sea oceanic pressures. No standards were put in place.
• Deepwater Horizon lacked an “acoustic switch,” a backup mechanism for triggering the blowout preventer in the case of an explosion. The US oil industry found these units’ $500,000 price too expensive and MMS did not require them, although they are mandated by Norway and Brazil.
• The number of drill site inspections carried out by the MMS fell by 41 percent between 2005 and 2009, even as the number of drill rigs operating in US waters increased. The number of penalties issued by MMS for regulatory violations fell from 66 in 2000 to 20 last year.
• In June of 2009, the MMS exempted BP from producing a legally-mandated environmental impact study for the site where Deepwater Horizon would drill. Obama was earlier warned by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that MMS studies approving offshore drilling were not reliable.
These decisions led directly to the deaths of 11 workers aboard the Deepwater Horizon and the environmental catastrophe in the Gulf. The workers killed in the BP explosion are only the latest casualties. According to data from the International Regulators Forum, from 2004 through 2009 offshore oil workers on US rigs were four times more likely to be killed in industrial accidents and 23 percent more likely to be injured than oil workers in European waters. While there were 5 “loss of well control” disasters on US drill rigs in 2007 and 2008, in five other major offshore drilling nations—the UK, Norway, Australia, and Canada—there were none.
Since 2001 there have been 69 deaths, 1,349 injuries and 858 fires or explosions on oil rigs operating in the Gulf of Mexico alone, according to the International Association of Drilling Contractors.
The incestuous ties between the MMS and the oil industry have not been severed with the election of Obama. Obama was in fact the top recipient of BP “employee donations” in the 2008 election cycle, and the company has mobilized tens of millions in a massive lobbying campaign that has brought on board such powerful Washington insiders as Democratic Party kingmaker John Podesta, former Democratic House majority leader Thomas Daschle and former Republican Senator Alan Simpson (a key member of Obama’s bipartisan budget committee). Current CIA director Leon Panetta has also served on BP’s “external advisory council.”
Only weeks before the Gulf disaster, in an open sop to the oil companies, Obama declared his intention to make large regions of the US coastline available for oil drilling.The Deepwater Horizon explosion is the result of decades of “deregulation,” which proclaimed that the “free market” could best regulate itself. Beginning in the late 1970s, the US government, under both Democratic and Republican administrations, has worked to systematically eliminate all constraints on corporate profit-making.
The result has been disastrous for the population of the US and the world. Corporations controlling vast social resources make decisions affecting millions of people on the basis of profit. Working hand in glove with “regulators,” little more than wholly owned subsidiaries of industry, the corporate elite targets for elimination any outlay that diminishes profit returns to the top executives and shareholders, whether it be environmental protection, product safety, or workers’ safety—as a spate of recent deadly workplace accidents has revealed.
In industry after industry the story is the same—mining, auto production, transportation, telecommunications and, of course, the finance industry. Indeed, the eruption of toxic oil from the bottom of the sea has its parallel in the eruption of toxic assets that set off a financial crisis in 2008. Led by the Obama administraiton, national governments responded to this disaster by bailing out those responsible—the financial elite—and leaving the working class to foot the bill. In this sense, the crisis in the Gulf and the crisis in Greece are connected by a common social and economic system.
The assets of BP, Transocean, Halliburton and their executives—hundreds of billions of dollars—must be appropriated and used to make the people of the Gulf whole and to put in place a massive environmental cleanup program. The executives and regulators whose policies caused the disaster should be criminally prosecuted.
The stranglehold of the corporate and financial elite over society and its resources must be broken. This requires the implementation of a socialist program for energy production. The big energy corporations must be seized and converted into public utilities, democratically run by the working class in the interest of social need.

The World's strangest bridges

Foul of the Year!

Francesco Totti presents the Italian idea of playing Football...
brutti, brutti...

For Longy (& HerrB!)

Well you have to admit that Chelsea did it in style...(Bastards!)

Cats Against Clay