Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Tom Hick's Investment Merry-Go-Round

It was reported in the press this morning that Tom Hicks is close to selling his baseball team, The Texas Rangers. The fee said to have been paid by the buyer is $500 million dollars (£310 million pounds). The question of course is, will any of it be reinvested in Liverpool Football Club? I guess the obvious answer is No. You see Tom, has little or no interest in the club and a further injection of cash from him appears to be something that the Liverpool supporter can only dream about.
A statement was released over the weekend by the parent company, Hicks Sports Group stating that an agreement had been reached with a consortium headed by Nolan Ryan. He is a former pitcher, who is now the president of Rangers and Chick Greenberg, a Pittsburgh attorney. Due to the problems that Tom Hicks has caused with his lack of business sense in running the Texas Rangers they are waiting on the approval of the Major League Football Association and the 40 other financial institutions . Between them, it appears that they are owed £525 million by Tom Hicks and his companies.
A statement was issued by Tom Hicks when asked about the deal and he is quoted as saying. "Together, we have worked exhaustively since last month to attain the agreement." It is a complex business deal that positions the franchise for the future.

The following statement was issued on behalf of Chick Greenberg and the consortium. "Nolan and I greatly appreciate Tom Hicks's willingness to work beyond the deadline and his support for passing the torch from the Hicks family to our group." "His actions speak eloquently to his commitment to serve the best interests of Rangers and the Community."
The deal which is expected to be completed by the end of April is it appears highly unlikely to have any bearing on Tom Hick's position at Anfield. Liverpool Football Club under the stewardship of Christian Purslow is now in the mist of looking at possible new investment for the club which will help to reduce the £236 million of debt that has been built by Tom Hicks and George Gillett.
I spent a lot of time, several weeks ago searching around the internet and came across several articles outlining the debt and the problems that Tom Hicks appears to have building around him. I know that several of the companies have given him until the end of August to clear his debts or they will consider going for bankruptcy. I guess that is where the bulk of the funds will be going once the cheque has been signed. I also came across what I suppose you would call a head office balance sheet of all his wheeling and dealing in the business world - I will be honest to say that I was shocked and wondered how he managed to raise the finance to invest in Liverpool Football Club.
That though does not answer the question of will he or won't he place further investment within the club. This will of course depend on whether there are any funds left to play with but I guess the answer that every Liverpool Supporter will give if asked is NO.
@'Liverpool Banter'

Self Detox

Self detoxBecause of the recent Anthrax outbreak in Scotland I've decided it is time to rewrite my self detox handout.
This handout is designed to help people stop using heroin without the need for a substitute script.There are many reasons people chose to self detox, and over the years I've used versions of this handout with lots of people who tell me its helpful.
Here is an excerpt from the supporting notes that go with the handout:
Emotional pain: Detox handoutPeople start using heroin for many reasons, unfortunately some of these include a need to avoid thinking about painful aspects of life or life experience. Add to this some of the things that happen to someone who has been using heroin and you have an emotional time waiting for people who quit using. Even people who have other reasons for using heroin are sometimes side swiped by the emotions they get when they stop using. It’s important to both understand that this is normal and it will be easier as time goes on. Engaging with support networks can really help with this.
Although the handout itself is basically just a single page, this download includes pages of extensive supporting notes. This handout has been fully rewritten and reformatted.The handout is available for download here.

Pick up lines (for Son #2!)

RePost: These's something wrong with human nature

'Human Nature' by Gary Clail.
Also included is the original 12 minute demo by the Tackhead crew featuring the words of the Rev. Billy Graham.

Helvetica cookie cutters

Amplified: Lou Barlow

Wilco offer 2 free gig downloads to benefit Haiti

Nels Cline must be the only guy who can get away with a twin neck in my world!


Fri, 22 Jan 2010 16:30:25 -0600
We have just posted two shows for free download on Wilcoworld, all we ask that you do in return, is make a minimum donation of $15 to one of the organizations listed below.
Both organizations ask that you donate to their Emergency Relief Funds which allows them to spend the money on situations such as Haiti, but, not expressly limited to Haiti.
The shows are:
In exchange for the free music, we ask that you make a minimum donation of $15 to one of the organizations listed above if you are able.

Colorado Nazi group's adopt-a-highway raises eyebrows

It's a small sign igniting a big debate. An official state of Colorado Adopt-a-Highway placard announcing that a one-mile long stretch of US Highway 85 is sponsored not by the Boy Scouts or the Lions Club, but by the Nazi Party of Colorado.
Members call themselves the National Socialist Movement. They are inspired by teachings of Hitler, believe interracial relationships and homosexuality should be crimes, and they want to start a separate all-white country.
The Adopt-a-Highway program, they say, is a good PR move for them and a recruiting tool.
"We want to let them know that we're here and we do good things," Unit leader Neal Land told FOX 31 News. "We're upstanding citizens, try to be good people, and try to portray ourselves that way."
When the Nazi's first applied for the stretch of highway just south of Bromley lane in Brighton, the Colorado Department of Transportation called to say thanks, but no thanks.
But the law, it turns out, was on the Nazi's side.
"Courts around the country have allowed white supremacists to sponsor highway signs," says Anti-Defamation League Director Bruce DeBoskey. So although the Anti-Defamation League couldn't be more opposed to the Nazi movement, it advised the state to put the application through.
"To have our freedom we have to have all kinds of speech, and this is a case where hate speech is protected," DeBoskey said. "This organization stands for hate. It's a white supremacist group. It is a neo-Nazi group."
CDOT says the Nazi's have yet to actually pick up any trash on the road. And officials will be watching to make sure the group fulfills its obligation. CDOT will also pull the group's sponsorship if it creates a distraction or hazard on the road.


(Thanx Chris!)

Steve Connolly & The Cuban Heels

Saul Bass: On Making Money vs Quality Work

Via 'Motiongrapher' 
This site has grabs of most if not all of his opening credits.


If you missed this when I linked to The Guardian, do check it out....funny as!
Chris Morris's terrorist comedy premieres at Sundance

Heroin contaminated with anthrax now linked to a German death

Authorities said they believed a batch of heroin is circulating in Europe that is contaminated with anthrax, a fairly common bacteria whose spores can be used as a biological weapon.
"I would urge all drug users to stop using heroin immediately and contact local drug services for support," Colin Ramsay, a consultant epidemiologist in Scotland, said in a statement.
A total of 15 heroin users in Scotland have been found to have anthrax infection since December. Seven of them have died.
The eighth victim was a 42-year-old man in Germany who died of anthrax infection in mid-December after injecting drugs, authorities said.
"It is now suspected that heroin with infectious anthrax spores (and possibly other psychoactive substances that can be injected) is in circulation in Europe," the health ministry in Berlin said in a statement.
Anthrax infection occurs most often in wild and domestic animals in Asia, Africa and parts of Europe.
Humans are rarely infected but touching contaminated hides or hair can cause skin lesions. If the bacillus is inhaled, it can take hold quickly and by the time symptoms show up, it usually is too late for successful treatment with antibiotics.
The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), which monitors health in the European Union, said on its website that further anthrax cases were possible.
"The occurrence of 15 confirmed cases, including 8 deaths in a 5-week period is unusual and unexpected," it said.
"Considering the complex international distribution chain of heroin, and the clustering in time of cases in Scotland and Germany, the exposure to a contaminated batch of heroin distributed in several EU Member States is possible."
England's chief medical officer Liam Donaldson issued an alert last week to doctors and hospital emergency rooms to be on the look out for anthrax poisoning.
The ECDC said investigations so far "strongly" suggested that all the cases had been infected by a common source, but said the heroin was unlikely to have been deliberately contaminated.
"Accidental contamination seems the most plausible explanation to these incidents," it said.

Still nice to see Reuters finally picking up on the story!
(Thanx Chris!)

Four Tet - Angel Echoes (BBC session)