Tuesday, 30 June 2009

What a surprise!

Iran's top legislative body confirms Ahmadinejad's victory in June 12 presidential election after a recount. (Reuters) #Iranelection half a minute ago from web

After the conclusion of the partial vote recount, Iran's electoral watchdog, the Guardian Council has confirmed the result of the June 12 poll.

After the announcement of the result of Iran's presidential election, which saw President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad re-elected to a second four-year term, provoked major protests in the country, the Guardian Council set up a special committee to do a partial vote recount.

Iran's top legislative body confirmed that the recount of 10 percent of the ballot boxes carried out on Monday had shown no irregularities in the vote.

In a letter to Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli on Monday, head of the Guardian Council Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, confirmed the result of the polls, state television reported.

What a surprise!

Iran's top legislative body confirms Ahmadinejad's victory in June 12 presidential election after a recount. (Reuters) #Iranelection half a minute ago from web

Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#47)

Important news: Persian Kiwi is not arrested, but he does not have access to internet.

Saeed Valadbaygi Office of the Islamic Association of Sistan and Baluchestan University set on fire by anonymous people.

Right Now @ Tehran

  • On Parkway right now people are beeping their horns, and basij has responded by smashing their windscreens and slashing their tires
  • People had announced that they will form a human chain from Tajrish sq to Railway Today
  • The cellphones are down in Valieasr street and surronding area.
  • Police and plain clothes forces are settled across the Valiasr street to disallow the protesters to make a human-chain.
  • Daneshju Park is full of Basij and special gaurds and militia forces are being organized in the park for dealing with the possible protest or human chain.
  • Students of Science and Technology university put a photo of martyr Kianoosh Asa on the university's academic staff board..

Feminist waves in the Iranian Green Tsunami?@TehranBureau

Iran: More on “Two Twitterers” (and on the Idiocy of “The Times”)

10:50 AM -- Adventures in propaganda: Basiji "impostors." From Iran's state media: "Iranian police officials have reportedly arrested the armed imposters [sic] who posed as security forces during post-election violence in the country. Iran's Basij commander, Hossein Taeb, said Monday that the imposters [sic] had worn police and Basij uniforms to infiltrate the rallies and create havoc."@HuffPo


Monday, 29 June 2009

Iran continued...

Neda Agha Soltan Death: Ahmadinejad Orders Investigation Into Killing@HuffPo

The Thugs Who Lead Iran's Supreme Leader /GarySick

Iran 'has arrested 2,000’ in violent crackdown on dissent@TheTimes

Cannabis-Psychosis link not caused by dopamine increase

There is now growing evidence that cannabis use causes a small but reliable increase in the chance of developing psychosis. Traditionally, this was explained by the drug increasing dopamine levels in the brain but a new study shortly to be published in NeuroImage suggests that the active ingredient in cannabis doesn’t effect this important neurotransmitter.

Despite some dissenting voices, disruption to the mesolimbic dopamine pathway is widely thought to be the key problem in the development of delusions, hallucinations and the other psychotic symptoms commonly diagnosed as schizophrenia.

This has led to the assumption that the small increased risk of psychosis reliably associated with cannabis use is due to the drug increasing dopamine levels in a deep brain structure called the striatum.

In itself, this is partly based on another assumption - the virtual mantra of recreational drug research that ‘all drugs of abuse increase dopamine levels in the reward system’ of which the striatum is a part.

This new study, led by neuroscientist Paul Stokes, tested dopamine levels by using a type of PET brain scan where participants are injected with a radioactive tracer that binds to free dopamine receptors. Higher dopamine levels will mean that there are less free dopamine receptors and, therefore, lower tracer levels.


Roddy Radiation & The Tearjerkers - Desire

Slim seen here modeling the Tearjerkers log on the back of his jacket!
(I still have my Tearjerkers denim jacket but unfortunately the 'Ruth Ellis' t-shirt had to be binned after nearly 30 years!)

Smoking # 22 (For Mogodonia!)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This .gif was liberated by me!
I gave it its freedom from a site run by a thief!
If you are the original creator and/or uploader...
please get in touch for a full credit!

+ more (again)...

Thousands of Iranians ignore threats, march in rally@LATimes

Photos @Demotix

I could have settled for Michael Jackson

Hich-Kas: Bunch of Soldiers

Hip-Hop direct from the streets of Tehran, Iran. Hich-Kas drops this trak. Cultures of Resistance helped produce the video and now bringin' it. East, West, North, South. Don't matter where you're from. Beats are universal and music can be a way to understand eachother even when governments and media prefer we not make the effort

Bloggers Unite For A Free Iran

Today in Iran there are bloggers languishing in jail for attempting to get the truth out to the world of what is presently happening in their country.
To the readers from free nations please take time out to think for a moment how much you take your freedom for granted!


Sussan Deyhim - Orchestral Performance


(@ twitter)



Another long day here in the 'Exile' compound down here in downtown 'teh-ran' and about to put away the brain for another night. Please follow what goes on at the links above/
Again thanx for following.

If you follow on all the links that I have posted today again there is some very interesting reading...

Finally a message to all the people following this blog in Iran:
Any pictures or words would be gratefully accepted here at Exile...

Monastreet @ gmail dot com


Karroubi at today's rally

A picture says a thousand words...

+ more...

"The Mugabe of Iran and a prayer for Peace"

I am an Englishman, so no doubt Ayatollah Ali Khameini would call me "Satan" and "A Snake", and in return all I see is the Mugabe of Iran, a petty old man clinging to power and willing to see innocent men, women and children be beaten, tortured and murdered in order to retain his power. Is controlling other people now his obsession?

In Torquay in 1979 I taught English as a Foreign Language and some of my students were Iranians, my age or slightly younger. I still think of them as my brothers and sisters and I remember vividly the stories they told: of their hate for the puppet dictator the Shah, of their fear of "the midnight knock" when members of Savak would come to the door and take away family members, who were never seen again. The early and mid-1970s were days of fear and repression, of brutality by the secret police. How little times change, now we are back to the days of Savak, thanks to Ali Khameini and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Yes, I remember 1979 and I remember too my students' joy when the brave Ayatollah Khomeini returned to his country and gave his people a taste of freedom, for the first time in years they could speak freely to one another again of their hopes and dreams. I remember too the admiration and respect that I felt for a spiritual leader called Hossein Ali Montazeri (حسین علی منتظری), now a Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, who was and still is a superior being who cares deeply for the welfare of his people. Unfortunately, after the passing of Ayatollah Khomeini, the wrong man came to power.

I should like to pay my respects to Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, to my students of 30 years ago Jahla and Mohsen and all the Iranians I have known, and please, people of Iran, do not forget young ندا (Neda) and the other innocents who have been murdered these last few weeks while they were peacefully marching. It is said that Neda means "voice of the people",now you will have to speak well of her and the others who have died, speak well and remember them, and do not allow their names and characters to be dragged through the dust under the label of "terrorist", as Ahmadinejad would like. Let truth and peace shine over all, and let the souls of the dead rest in peace and love.

With respect

Graham Cunnington, UK
Comment here
Well Said!

RT IRAN Mousavi could not join people today but apparently he's spoken to them through a mobile & a loudspeaker. #iranelection #Iran
less than 10 seconds ago from web

Are Senior Clerics As Divided As Iran? Audio @NPR

Clashes around Ghoba mosque have intensified & forces are heavily beating people to disperse them. #iranelection #gr88 less than 20 seconds ago from TwitterFox