Tuesday, 23 June 2009
+ more...
Today in Haft-e Tir, there were so many members of basij that they outnumbered the demonstrators 3 or 4 to 1. They were less focused on women. This must be related to the murder of poor Neda. And this was also why whenever they got hold of a man, women would surround them and shout don’t beat him, don’t beat and they would turn and anxiously say we didn’t beat him. It was astonishing. They explained; they talked.
But they didn’t allow us to congregate; they kept telling us to walk and the crowd walked quietly for 2 hours in the circle (meydaan) and spontaneously gathered in whichever area they were not present. About 2000 of us were walking around the circle and only shouting Allah-o Akbar until they were forced to disperse us with tear and pepper gases. I thought people’s patience and persistence was great, although there were also many bad scenes and I cried.
They arrested a whole bus load of people. There were many intelligence folks in the crowd too. They would point to a person and the basijis would arrest that person. There was no one from Sepah and the police was obviously sympathetic to the crowd. I swear some of the Basijis were only 14 or 15, or at least what they looked like to me. On the other hand, women are playing an amazing role in the streets; both in terms of numbers and effectiveness."
6:00 PM ET -- Google moves quickly. In the course of a few hours, it spikes a blog using Google's publishing service to post photos of the demonstrators to collect their personal information.
This site is asking for people to identify the protesters obviously for the security forces.
As they say time to fire the lazers I think!!!
Down/time (for real this time...)

(@ twitter)
Another long day here in the 'Exile' compound down here in downtown 'teh-ran' and about to put away the coffee and tin string (? it's late..) driven thing that is my brain. Please follow what goes on at the links above/
Again thanx for following and I hope not too much disinfo - I haven't seen the photo of Neda anywhere else apart from where I got it, so this could be yet another Exileclusive!
If you follow on all the links that I have posted today there is some very interesting reading...
Finally a message to all the people following this blog in Iran:
Any pictures or words would be gratefully accepted here at Exile...
monastreet @ gmail dot com
University quiet earlier today
Police & plain cloths usings tear gas, pepper spray and batons to disperse crowd
Plain Cloths now in front of Kalameh newspaper place in Hafte Tir Sq. Journalists are stuck in the building
people :YOU'RE just riffraff, lower than dirt,I'm the aching lover, blazing and lit.
You're the black halo, oppressive and blind,I'm the brave hero and this land is mine!
People are gathering at 7tir SQ, Shouting,we're not afraid of death, we fear living
police conflicts & use of tear gas in front of Jaam-e-Jam as well
Basij crawling around haft-tir Sq
people:If my silence so shakes the dictator to his core, then what will my OUTCRIES do?
180 journalists issued an statement re government pressure stopping them from reporting
Laleh Park and Shiroudi Stadium have become the command center to organize anti-riot police and plain clothes
Frightening reports coming from Tabriz (Mousavi’s hometown); they resemble Saturday’s massacre in Tehran
England restricts travels to Iran, withdraws embassy families stationed in Tehran
Police Using Gunfire, Tear gas,Electric Bat. Clashes at Enghelab SQ
Regime of Coup d'état, abdicate, abdicate!
Monday, 22 June 2009
Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#38)
cell networks are currently down at hafte tir, enghelab and azadi square
Police and basiji all over tehran, but candles appearing every corner,ever avenue, every alleyway
Conflict in Hafte Tir Sq
During the demonstrations are being targeted. Some report seeing sharp shooters on roofs
Mobile phones in tehran working until late afternoon/eve
Majid dori, student activist has been arrested
Although people all over iran still have their bjections, and the clashes between people and the special guards are getting worse every day in other cities of iran. ahmadinejad is giving advice for his second cabinet
Since friday night sms services have been back on everywhere except tehran
Spreading Clashes to all Central St. Hafte Tir, Ferdosi, Vali Asr, Enghelab, More than 50,000 protesters are in the streets
Abbas Abdi from Karoubi campaign: GC should disqualify themselves
Source in shiraz says there it is the same story
11:01 AM ET -- Government accuses demonstrators of murder. From Iran's state TV: "Tehran's prosecutor general's office has said that some armed saboteurs opened fire on civilians and killed people in post-election violence in Tehran. 'A number of Tehrani citizens were shot dead by unknown vandals Saturday night,' said the office on Monday."
Witnesses said helicopters hovered overhead as about 200 protesters gathered at Haft-e-Tir Square. But hundreds of anti-riot police quickly put an end to the demonstration and prevented any gathering, even small groups, at the scene.
At the subway station at Haft-e-Tir, the witnesses said police did not allow anyone to stand still, asking them to keep on walking and separating people who were walked together. The witnesses asked not to be identified for fear of government reprisals.
Just before the clashes, an Iranian woman who lives in Tehran said there was a heavy police and security presence in another square in central Tehran. She asked not to be identified because she was worried about government reprisals.
"There is a massive, massive, massive police presence," she told the Associated Press in Cairo by telephone. "Their presence was really intimidating."-AP

RT @protesterhelp Do not leave your lights on tonight as a memorial, doing so marks you for besiji and others as Resistance #iranelection11 minutes ago from web
It seems that in a quick poll of the Guardian Counsel by two of their own (Ahmad Khatami and Mohammad Yazdi) some of the members of Qom's rank and file have refused to recognize Ahmadinejad's victory in the elections, which itself is giving rise to speculation that up to 40 members of the Guardian Counsel and authoirties of the Khobregan [I don't know how that has been translated in English] have signed a letter demanding a nullification of the last election results. Rafsanjani is said to have that letter in his possession.
On the other hand, it is said that Ali Khamenei has been relocated from his residence either for security reasons or for treatment. It has even been said that the reason that Rafsanjani's daughter 'Faezeh' was arrested from amongst the demonstrators was to pressure Rafsanjani due to the behind the scenes role that he has been playing.
It is being said that the reason for the coup d'etat is Khamenei's growing health problems and the severity of his lung cancer. His son Mojtaba wanted to keep the role of Supreme Leader in the family and needed the presidential power to be sympathetic and close to home on the issue.@DailyDish
Hafte tir, karimkhan, sanayi and laleh park are the scene of clashes between secret forces and the crowd who are wearing all black and are holding flowers in their hands
Tens of thousends of candles lit throughout Tehran, mashad, Shiraz, Ahwaz
Many people have gathered at the hafte tir round about and are sitting on the grounds. they are all quiet and have candles lighted in their hands hwever the special guards are trying to attack people and force them to move away
At the hafte tir round about the number of secret forces are much more than the ordinary people
Islamic Republic' state tv is asking "citizens" to help identify and arrest protestors
all the cell phones in the areas of hafte tir, enghelab and azadi are currently disconnected
cell networks are currently down at hafte tir, enghelab and azadi square
RT IRAN: Theres Anti-riot police with guns in their hands from roof tops in 7th tir sq. #iranelection less than 5 seconds ago from Spaz
Riot police and Basij militia disperse large crowd in Tehran and arrest at least 5 people.
behind rafansanjanis meetings with the authorities in qom, there is a possibility for the formation of leader ship council in iran
Intense fightings in mofatteh street, the sound of ambulance can easily be heard from karimkhan, people are walking in the streets of hafte tir, and are keeping quiet
The cantre square and the subway is in the hands of the mobilizing groups. in all the high buildings around the field, power arms can be seen
they're hitting people in Hafte Tir sqaure. about 3-5 thousand people are there
Amirabad is currently full of gaurds and police
Iranian police attack hundreds of protesters with tear gas, fire in the air to disperse Tehran rally
Forces are beating ppl in 7 Tir sq
7 Tir sq. & metro station in control of the forces. On 7 Tir St., People are walking but keeping quite so far

Clashes at Haft e Tri Sq. More than 10,000 Protesters gathering in memory of 25 p killed Sat, including Neda
Clashes are underway in Tehran after police fired tear gas at hundreds of protesters and fired in the air.
Hundreds of protesters turn out for Tehran demo despite Revolutionary Guard warning against protests
Laleh Park and Shiroudi Stadium have become the command center to organize anti-riot police and plain clothes
Hundreds of Basij militia and riot police are present at the protest in Tehran which is deemed illegal by the government.
One person was arrested
Anti-riot police attacks a crowd of people holding candles in Tehran’s 7 Tir Sq., attempting to disperse them
Iran’s Supreme Leader meets with heads three branches of government to discuss post-election protests
+ more...
Mousavi should now be arrested for calling for banned rallies to go ahead, according to a senior politician cited by Reuters.
"Mousavi's calling for illegal protests and issuing provocative statements have been a source of recent unrests in Iran ... Such criminal acts should be confronted firmly," said Ali Shahrokhi, head of parliament's judiciary committee, semi-official Fars news agency reported.
"The ground is paved to legally chase Mousavi."
RT RT Iran: In 7 Tir ppl were quietly assembled, forces attacked them, clashes started and are still happening. #iranelection #gr88 #neda
"In the current sensitive situation ... the Guards will firmly confront in a revolutionary way rioters and those who violate the law," said a statement published on the Guards' website.
Two helicopters are hovering above Hafte Tir Square and there is a heavy security presence on the street, according to an eyewitness. The police and basij militia are stopping people on the street and asking where they are going, the witness said.

General Ali Fazli, recently appointed as commander of Seiyed al-shohada of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran province, has been arrested for refusing to carry Khamenei's order to use force against demonstrators, according to an unconfirmed report on the Balatarin, spotted by Robert Tait.
Earlier reports suggested that Fazli, who lost an eye during Iran's war with Iraq, had been sacked for his non-compliance. He is said to have been taken to an unknown location after his "arrest". Could this be a first sign of a split among the upper echelons in the security forces?

A group of Dutch students and academics is setting up a project to encourage organisations to allow their computer servers to be used as proxy servers for people in Iran to get round Iranian restrictions.
"Since it is summer a lot of businesses and institutions like university's have their servers running at well beneath their normal capacity. This means that they have ample bandwidth," emails David Suurland, one of the organisers.
He adds: "It costs next to nothing to do and requires little effort but is of tremendous importance for the Iranians capability to organize themselves without the fear of detection.

Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#37)
The sms is still down cz they know the MOMENT its back on ppl will organize HUGE protests again
Tehran is so quiet, no traffic, ordinary life is at standstill, or barely crawling

What the World Didn't See in Tehran

RT Iran TODAY 4pm- Haft Tir Sq, Tehran - black/green candle vigil - sitting on floor - in memory of our martyrs- #Iranelection #gr88 RT RT ! less than 10 seconds ago from web

This is a point of no return....the poeple who brought a revolution 30 years ago can do it again. there are many Neda's in IRAN now.
There is a candle light memorial for Neda this afternoon between 5-7pm in 7tir Sq in Tehran.
Today Monday 16:00 at 7 Tir Sq. peaceful mourning for #Neda #iranelection Iranians pass on to all friends and family ASAP
Khamenei will again present Friday prayer this week - confirmed Iran tv
Iranian TV: Govt admits voting irregularities in 50 cities. Potentially signif admission
UNConfirmed: ppl set fire to Lola mosque on Saturday and several Basiji's were killed in the fire !
Chief nurse of a hosp in Tehran: that they had to do sev. eye surgeries (remove eyeball) regularly
Student who survived dorm attacks: I'm sure many were blinded that day cuz they pocked battons into their eyes.
Ayatollah Montazeri declared three days of public lament starting Wed Jun 24th
Karroubi will publish an announcement laer today
Iran expert Jason Rezaian, who just left Iran, says that given the media blackout protesters "feel like they're in this alone"
unconfirmed: Ali Fazli high ranked IRG officer arrested due to disobedience to suppression of the protesters
A partial list of arrested journos/bloggers/politicians http://bit.ly/BHmc5
Journalist whose photo made cover of Time Magazine last week missing in Iran
There are reports that the Iranian-American journalist and filmmaker Maziar Bahari is arrested.
Tehran's attorney annonced: We dont know who Killed Protesters yesterday! We are searching for "The Murder"!!!
Iranian spokesman in this morning's press conference seemed agitated. Complained about cyber war.
Another round of crackdown on proxies! Please send all proxies u have 4 Iranians here: http://bit.ly/QgnaX
Tomorrow at 4pm everybody in all parts of country telephone and report street protests where there is none
Ppl - stop to pay all electricity, gas, water, telephone bills from today - this will starve the Gov
Ppl if you have money in bank - withdraw ALL your account - Gov is using your money to kill your ppl
Tuesday, June 23rd, nationwide strike in Iran (bazaar, offices, schools etc...) Iranians pass to all family and friends.
Mousavi talking with influential merchants and workers' leaders to plan general strike@DailyDish
UNCONFIRMED - several of the pro-democracy leaders in prison have started HUNGER STRIKE - #Iranelection RT RT35 minutes ago from web
Neda Soltani

It comments:
The bloody imagery [of Neda's death] alone could have an important impact on public opinion in Iran, where the idea of martyrdom resonates deeply among a populace steeped in the stories and imagery of Shia Islam, a faith founded on the idea of self-sacrifice in the cause of justice.
Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#36)
Shirin Ebadi


Do tweet this message:
free web access for the people of iran http://xrl.us/bexuke
It is imperative that ACCURATE and verified information gets out from Iran. You can help by doing the following:
DO NOT RT (retweet) ANYTHING to do with any of the Iranian Tweets, and especially DO NOT mention any of the trusted names/sources.
Do not tweet anything that is not VERIFIED by one of the trusted sources.
There are now trusted sources in Iran and trusted people on the outside who are working tirelessly to assist those sources and to verify links and information.
There are many government agents now on Twitter. At first their posts seem credible, but in reality, they want you to follow them, and once they have a decent following, they'll start spreading lies and pro-Ahmadinejad propaganda.
DON'T USE A TWITTER STREAM FROM #iranelection OR #gr88
Use any twitter client where you can set only those you follow, or where you can enter multiple searches for those user names you want to follow. That way you can avoid the hundreds of people who are posting in the Iran related hashes (#) just for the hell of it, for nefarious purposes, or simply posting and reposting misinformation.
This page lists known and suspected fake Twitter IDs, who are posting on the vital hashes (#iranelection, #gr88). To avoid huge streams of misinformation, just follow trusted sources. These are people well known to those who've been on twitter since the beginning of the Iran Election. We can no longer tell you who they are for security reasons.
If you know who the trusted sources are, DO NOT advertise it in any Twitter message, or anywhere else.
While Twitter itself and most other sites are blocked from Iran, some very clever and resourceful people in Iran know how to get around it. Once they're around the blocks, EVERYTHING on Twitter is available to them. Hashes can't be blocked. User names can't be blocked.
Most people on Twitter now know to change their location to Tehran, Iran with the Tehran time-zone, but PLEASE DON'T ADVERTISE IT.
Anyone looking for fake geolocations can easily go back through your posts and see, "I'm now posting from Iran", or "I've now changed my location". It's total stupidity to advertise - you're just making it known that you changed your location, curtailing the government's search so they can quickly eliminate you from the real posters in Iran.
Many of the people following the Twitters from Iran, are not Iranian.
Please don't assume anything about what they really want for THEIR regime.
You may think that total democracy as in the USA is desirable, for them, but don't assume you know what they want. Derogatory comments about Islam or about any other deeply-rooted religious and/or cultural practices in Iran only serves to fuel the anti-USA and other anti-Western World sentiment that is drummed into them.
If you want to know more about Iranian culture, there are plenty of places on the Internet you can learn. The Iranian people are good, kind, generous and loving people with a very long history. They generally do not reflect their government's views. Having said that, don't assume they all want the moral freedoms we have. Some do, some don't. Even in a totally free and democratic Iran, you will still see some people in veils who are deeply religious, just like you'll see people f all religious persuasions in the west.
Any rude comments about Islam or about Iranian culture will only fuel the government's anti-western sentiment and will insult those people in Iran who who have beliefs other than yours. Not all in Iran are religious, but please respect those who are.
Don't forget that the basis of the current problem revolves around the election and the cheating that took place. That is the primary issue and remains so.
The goal of the protesters is to have a fair election. They didn't get that. Anything else you think they want, can be a false assumption on your part. Like anywhere in the world, in Iran there are opposing views of cultural and religious practices.
Don't assume that government agents will or won't do something. They can be brutal. If you think that they won't do something based on common sense human rights violations, think again. Remember, they've had 30 years of an oppressive regime - time enough for young children to be brainwashed, time enough for some people to submit to the government's will and promote it.
Please use common sense and don't assume anything unless you really know better!
Most of all, think twice before you post ANYTHING that you think is fact to any of the Iran Election twitter hashes, or to any part of Twitter for that matter. You may well be putting someone else life in danger.