Saturday, 20 June 2009



Tor يک پروژه نرم افزاری است که به شما در دفاع دربرابر تجزيه و تحليل بازديدکنندگان کمک می کند، نوعی مراقبت شبکه که آزادی شخصی و حريم خصوصی، روابط و فعاليت های کاری محرمانه و امنيت دولتی را تهديد می کند. Tor با تقويت ارتباطات در اطراف يک شبکه توزيع شده ايستگاه های واسطه که توسط دواطلبان از سراسر جهان اداره می شود، از شما محافظت می کند: اين نرم افزار اجازه نمی دهد ديگران از طريق اطلاع از سايت هايی که شما بازديد می کنيد اتصال اينترنتی شما را مشاهده کنند، همچنين اجازه نمی دهد سايت هايی را که بازديد می کنيد از موقعيت فيزيکی شما اطلاع پيدا کنند. Tor با تعداد زيادی از برنامه های موجود شما، از جمله مرورگرهای وب، سرويس گيرندگان پيام رسانی فوری، ورود به سيستم از راه دور و ساير برنامه هايی که براساس پروتکل TCP هستند.

صدها هزار نفر در سراسر دنيا از Tor برای اهداف متفاوت استفاده می کنند: روزنامه نگاران و وبلاگ نويسان، طرفداران حقوق بشر، مأموران اجرای قانون، سربازان، مؤسسات، شهروندان مخالف رژيم و شهروندان عادی. برای اطلاع از کاربران عادی Tor ، به صفحه چه کسانی از Tor استفاده می کنند؟ مراجعه کنيد. برای اطلاع از توضيحات بيشتر در مورد کار Tor، اينکه چرا تنوع کاربران مهم است و نحوه کار Tor، به صفحه مرور کلی مراجعه کنيد.

سه قطعه چاپ ريز وجود دارد که بايد درباره آن بدانيد.

1. اگر از Tor درست استفاده نکنيد، از شما محافظت نمی کند. ليست هشدارهای ما را مطالعه کرده و دستورالعمل های پايگاه خود را به دقت دنبال کنيد.
2. حتی اگر Tor را درست تنظيم کرده و استفاده کنيد، هنوز حملات احتمالی که می تواند قابليت Tor برای محافظت از شما را کشف کند وجود دارد.
3. اين روزها هيچ سيستم گمنامی بدون خطا نيست و Tor نيز از اين قاعده مستثنی نمی باشد: اگر به يک گمنامی قوی احتياج داريد، نبايد فقط به شبکه Tor فعلی متکی باشيد.

با رشد پايه کاربری و افزايش داوطلبين برای اداره ايستگاه های واسطه، امنيت Tor بهبود می يابد. (راه اندازی آن به آن سختی که فکر می کنيد نيست، و به طور قابل توجهامنيت شما را در برابر بعضی حملات تقويت می کند.) اگر اداره ايستگاه واسطه برای شما نباشد، ما به کمک در جنبه های ديگر پروژه احتياج داريم و برای سرعت و سهولت استفاده از شبکه Tor درضمن حفظ امنيت خوب به پشتيبانی مالی احتياج داريم. لطفاً اهدا کنيد.


Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.

Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location. Tor works with many of your existing applications, including web browsers, instant messaging clients, remote login, and other applications based on the TCP protocol.

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a wide variety of reasons: journalists and bloggers, human rights workers, law enforcement officers, soldiers, corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary citizens. See the Who Uses Tor? page for examples of typical Tor users. See the overview page for a more detailed explanation of what Tor does, and why this diversity of users is important.

Tor doesn't magically encrypt all of your Internet activities, though. You should understand what Tor does and does not do for you.

Tor's security improves as its user base grows and as more people volunteer to run relays. (It isn't nearly as hard to set up as you might think, and can significantly enhance your own security.) If running a relay isn't for you, we need help with many other aspects of the project, and we need funds to continue making the Tor network faster and easier to use while maintaining good security.


** ۲) درمان جراحت گلوله:
۱) مجروح را حتی‌الامکان تکان ندهید ، مگر اینکه جانش در معرض خطر آنی قرار داشته باشد. (مثل: در وسط خیابان یا در تیر‌رس باشد)

۲) کمک‌های اولیه خیلی‌ ساده را انجام دهید: اگر مجروح بیهوش شده ولی‌ هنوز نفس میکشد، راه تنفس او را باز نگاه دارید. اگر نفس نمیکشد به اوتنفس مصنوعی‌ بدهید.

۳) زخمهأیی را که خونریزی میکنند تحت کنترل بگیرید.

۴) اگر جراحت گلوله در ناحیه سینه است آنرا با تکه‌ای‌ پلاستیک بپوشانید (پانسمان کنید) تا از ورود هوا به داخل زخم جلوگیری کند. اینکار همچنین از خالی‌ شدن ریه از هوا هم جلوگیری می‌کند. در صورتی‌ که مجروح از بدتر شدن نفس تنگی آاش خبر دهد پانسمان را بردارید.

۵) مجروح را اگر هشیار و بهوش است در راحترین حالت نشسته یا خوابیده که برایش امکان داشته باشد قرار دهید.

۶) اگر مجروح بیهوش است او را در موضع هوش‌آوری قرار دهید. برای قرار دادن مجروح به موضع هوش‌آوری شانه و ران او را گرفته به سمت خود بچرخانید تا به پهلو قرار گیرد.

۷) اگر محل تیرخوردگی در بالاتنه و از کمر به بالا است (به غیر از بازوان) از بالا قرار دادن پاهای مجروح برای جلوگیری از شوک خودداری کنید، زیرا بالا قراردادن پاها باعث سریعتر و شدیدتر شدن خونریزی این نوع جراحت میشود و این تنفس را برای مجروح مشگل‌تر می‌کند.

۸) از دادن غذا یا مایعات یا حتی آب به مجروح خودداری کنی

Iran update - Revolution 2.0


SMS returning. The reasons are unclear, but a host of Iranians are saying that (intermittent) SMS service has returned.


Via reader Paymon, now that the news is getting out one reliable Iranian on Twitter warns: "Advice - your location can be identified from mobile signal - + delete all sms after sending in case u are arrested"

upinurRevo The revolution began in heart and mind. This can never be taken from us. The world is witnessing the birth of a new Iran. #iranelection less than 10 seconds ago from web



Is Mousavi willing to risk "slaughter" in the streets? @FP

God is great.”
“Lies are evil. Guns are evil. Bullets are evil.”

tarhia Reports of US Agents inside the city of Tehran #IranElection Tehran less than 10 seconds ago from Perl Net::Twitter

Just before the Shah fell

The weight of the world now rests on the shoulders of Mir Hossein Mousavi. I expect that Khamenei's people have privately sent signals to him that they're ready for a bloodbath, they're prepared to use overwhelming force to crush this, and is he willing to lead the people in the streets to slaughter?

Mousavi is not Khomeini, and Khamenei is not the Shah. Meaning, Khomeini would not hesitate to lead his followers to "martyrdom", and the Shah did not have the stomach for mass bloodshed. This time the religious zealots are the ones holding power.

The anger and the rage and sense of injustice people feel will not subside anytime soon, but if Mousavi concedes defeat he will demoralize millions of people. At the moment the demonstrations really have no other leadership. It's become a symbiotic relationship, Mousavi feeds off people's support, and the popular support allows Mousavi the political capital to remain defiant. So Mousavi truly has some agonizing decisions to make.

Rafsanjani's role also remains critical. Can he co-opt disaffected revolutionary elites to undermine Khamenei? As Khamenei said, they've known each other for 52 years, when they were young apostles of Ayatollah Khomeini. I expect that Khamenei's people have told Rafsanjani that if he continues to agitate against Khamenei behind the scenes, he and his family will be either imprisoned or killed, and that the people of Iran are unlikely to weep for the corrupt Rafsanjani family.

Whatever happens, and I know I shouldn't be saying this as an analyst, but my eyes well when I think of the tremendous bravery and fortitude of the Iranian people. They deserve a much better regime than the one they have.



Amazing! Take my 2 year old son down to the park for a couple of hours thinking I probably won't miss much...HA!

Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#21)

  1. Prysmith #iranelection If sms is back up then that is so because it offers the govt some advantage. Be afraid, be very afraid. less than 10 seconds ago from web
  2. camillabredal RT@oxfordgirl Delete yr sms as soon as sent/received. If police or Guards come 2 get U smash yr phn or throw away. #Iranelection #Iranel ... less than 10 seconds ago from TweetDeck
  3. PouyanKarbor Advice - remove sim and use mobile to film ANY violence or attak against Sea of Green - #Iranelection less than 10 seconds ago from web
  4. DunveganSF Have designated "medics" that carry first-aid items in backpack for tomorrow. Some critical care in street could save lives. #iranelection less than 10 seconds ago from TweetGrid

"Salaam. I'm not well at all. I'm afraid, but tomorrow, I'm going.

ردا (شنبه) ساعت 4، با حضور موسوی، خاتمی و کروبی از میدان انقلاب تا آزادی, راه پیمائی سرنوشت ساز سبز ها

[TEHRAN PROTEST CONFIRMED] this Saturday June 20 4:00 PM Enghelab Sq. Tehran . Iran Please Share any which way you can

e-souce: new chant today: "My dead brother, I will get your vote back! And thegovernment cheats, and the Leader supports!"Green-stream

Voices are louder tonight.

Tonight at 10 pm, on the rooftops everyone chanted 'Death to the Dictator.' On previous nights it wasn't so strong.

People are angry. I think it will get pretty bloody tomorrow." end quote

Iran's situation is crisis , all say that tomorrow is a conflict day

The young boys and girls of Tehran, not the students, are "Basiji Hunting" at night. This is crucial to success.

confirmed - - HACKED - Dos Dos Dos Dos

Another update from Iran: [translated] "We now have access to Facebook; plus, we're each armed with 'filter-breakers' [proxies]. Don't worry

students and arrested people at prisons are tortured so hard and told them that here is worse than Guantanamo

some of Arts professors of Tehran University said that will go to strike from tomorrow morning , Saturday

Of course Mousavi has been silenced - but he has not yet been arrested - today everybody was silenced! - #Iranelection

My Martyr Brother

Lee 'Scratch' Perry - International Broadcaster (featuring Roots Manuva)

Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#20)

brawndo4life "It always seems impossible until its done." - Nelson Mandela . Stay strong sea of green! #iranelection #gr88 less than 20 seconds ago from web

VUruburu now its up 2u 2 keep #iranelection up.need some sleep! less than 10 seconds ago from web
Know that feeling!

Translation @HuffPo

@twitter/story of ohiohelp being beaten up is confirmed fake.

@TimN - it is deliberate, will dm later/regards.

AlexKmn when chanting allah o akbar, stand in middle of roof or turn the lights in room off so u wont be seen by basiji #iranelection less than 10 seconds ago from web

aMMPh RT: Iran jams BBC signals. So BBC throws in 2 extra satellites #iranelection less than 10 seconds ago from web


Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#19)

Iran, citizen media and media attention

#iranelection "“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”

3:46 pm: Another message from a friend of NIAC in Tehran:

According to him, tomorrow’s rally is scheduled for 4-6pm from Engelab Sq (Revolution Sq) to Azadi Sq (Freedom Sq). He believes that there will be casualties tomorrow on the count that people are angry with Khamenei’s sermon today and will voice their outrage tomorrow at the demonstration. He believes that “Khamenei has put the gun to his own mouth.”

3:09 pm: One of our readers requested that we translate the following blog post: “Tomorrow is a big day, may I get killed tomorrow!” (

“I will participate in the demonstrations tomorrow. Maybe they will turn violent. Maybe I will be one of the people who is going to get killed. I’m listening to all my favorite music. I even want to dance to a few songs. I always wanted to have very narrow eyebrows. Yes, maybe I will go to the salon before I go tomorrow! There are a few great movie scenes that I also have to see. I should drop by the library, too. It’s worth to read the poems of Forough and Shamloo again. All family pictures have to be reviewed, too. I have to call my friends as well to say goodbye. All I have are two bookshelves which I told my family who should receive them. I’m two units away from getting my bachelors degree but who cares about that. My mind is very chaotic. I wrote these random sentences for the next generation so they know we were not just emotional and under peer pressure. So they know that we did everything we could to create a better future for them. So they know that our ancestors surrendered to Arabs and Mongols but did not surrender to despotism. This note is dedicated to tomorrow’s children…”

It's Time

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Responds To Iran's Supreme Leader's [Khamenei] Statement

That is definitely it for the night!

HA! - I know what time it is, time to get a little sleep

Iranian updates (keep refreshing page#18)

صحنه هايی از خشونت های خيابانی عليه مردم ايران

HeikeM RT @MickPuck: Thinks guns that don't work, militia that desert their posts, and the disarming power of love to the oppressors. #iranelection less than 10 seconds ago from TweetDeck
LucasEmerson Bang bang may be stronger than tweet tweet, but it is still amazing that those two concepts are being compared. #IranElection less than 10 seconds ago from web

Lydia Guevara's PETA ad

Dig the bandoleer made with carrots!!!