"...been about a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 decade since we last crawled the net/kerb cos what you really need is one site where someone seems to*ve done all the searching for you, today we found that site and good thing too (it,us, you, fukkit EVERYONE), blog with lots about e.g. Billy Burroughs and Patricia Smith and not a lot about Prefab Sprout, but never mind, we all mean well - www.exileonmoanstreet.blogspot.com" !!! Found here.
Check it out/and the back pages... Luddism/laughs/love & life (through the lens of a cider bottle!)
I really can't find the words to adequately describe this blog... It describes itself as... "adventures in minimalism including film, music, literature, poetry, architecture, and art" Check it out for yourself here.