Here's a wee story about Keef and coats for you.
My ex sister-in-law used to work for The Stones in the wardrobe department and one of her jobs obviously was to scout around for clothes for them to wear on stage and for photoshoots. Anyway she had a friend who had this immaculately battered old leather jacket and she asked if she could borrow it for Keith to wear at a photo session and her friend said OK thinking that he would get it back after the shoot. Anyway apparently Keith fell in love with the jacket saying that he felt that he had been 'born in it.'
He then decided that he really wanted to wear it on their forthcoming tour and my sis-in-law had to go back to her friend and ask if he would allow his jacket to go around the world. Needless to say he was a bit reluctant but bear in mind that at this point the jacket is still in Keith's possession. Anyway eventually he agrees with the one proviso that the jacket is returned to him at the end of the tour.
Come the end of the tour and of course Keith wants to keep the jacket and will pay whatever the bloke wants for it.
Ex-sis-in-law has to go back to her friend and impart this news to him and he says 'no' he just wants his jacket back but he never does see that jacket again and as far as I know never saw any money for it either
1 hour ago