Monday 2 September 2013

1913 - 1981

Red or Dead

Bill Shankly’s legacy lives after 100 years

Australia, you don't know how good you've got it

Ian Penman: Even If You Have to Starve

Hungry? Print a Pizza

Hillsborough police paid money found among the dead into force’s coffers

Sunday 1 September 2013

♪♫ Slade - Hear Me Calling

(Thanx to My Friend Stan!)

Patti Smith & Billy Ficca


Dead Girls, Men in Suits and Symbolism: How Twin Peaks Continues to Influence Television

♪♫ Tim Hecker - Viirginal ll

Ad Break: IKEA

Terry Gilliam Interview

Working With A Low Budget, Artistic Influences & More

How "Hard-Bender" Gets Films Financed, Why He Doesn't Like TV & Much More

A Case For Sonic Attack: Hawkwind's Space Ritual 40 Years On 

Government 'may sanction chemical incapacitant use on rioters'

The Sovereign Double-Standard