Wednesday 23 June 2010


  1. comment there:
    "Uuhh wrong! Many species masturbate all the time. Look on you tube you will find monkeys, apes, dogs and other animals masturbating. The reason why is because in captivity males might not have the same access to females as in the wild. Thats why the study of chimpanzees in the wild didn't show many males masturbating. In the wild male chimps and apes have access to females and have sex when ever they want sometimes multiple times daily. In human society this is called rape so sex is less frequent because males must wait until the female is ready. If human males are in a situation where they can have sex any time they wish they wouldn't masturbate either. So in my opinion the study is flawed!"


  2. King Kong Bum Bum23 June 2010 at 10:34

    Believe me, I already suffered some problems with my daily rape at our local supermarket, so I began to think of starting with that "maturbating" as well, fellow apes told me it's not so bad after all...
