Tuesday 11 May 2010

Twitter hit by major disruption

Twitter screenshot Most users currently show 0 users
Twitter has been hit by a major bug that has seen many users of the service lose all of their followers and friends.
The problem began when a flaw was uncovered that allowed people to force others to "follow" them on the site.
People who typed "accept" followed by a person's username forced the user to be added to their list of followers.
The hack was quickly passed around the social network with many people using it to force celebrities to follow them.
Twitter has fixed the bug but said they it was currently cleaning up the damage.(SIC)
"We identified and resolved a bug that permitted a user to 'force' other users to follow them," the site said in a blog post. "We're now working to rollback all abuse of the bug that took place."
As part of the clean up, Twitter has temporarily reset accounts so that people look like they are following no one and have no followers.
"Follower/following numbers are currently at 0; we're aware and this too should shortly be resolved."
People can still use the service in the meantime.
Twitter allows users to post messsages - known as tweets - up to 140 characters long.
People can see what others are writing by choosing to "follow" them. However, unlike many social networks, both parties do not need to receiprocate the friendship.
The new bug allowed many people to force celebrities, such as Lady Gaga, to follow them by simply typing "accept @ladygaga". The flaw only worked on the website, and not through third-party applciations used to access the site, such as tweetdeck.
Twitter has exploded in popualrity since 2007, when it was launched, and now has more than 100 million users.


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