Monday 10 May 2010

Sweetest moment of the UK election!


  1. You know, for a moment I felt an overwhelming sense of solidarity with the returning Labour MP for her attack on the fascist right, then I remembered, it has been Labour over the last 13 years who has over-seen a shift to a complete panoptic surveillance state, its Labour who has passed more laws in the last 13 years that are completely at odds with basic human rights than any other government since modern parliamentary democracy and it is Labour who had a war criminal leading them for the majority of those years.

    So while I salute the rhetoric, its important to remember that it is they who have done more to sow the seeds that allows the conditions for the BNP et al to function and occasionally flourish than the fascists themselves...all the same, a great clip! Though why the Raving Looney candidate did not clap as well is beyond me...or was that the BNP candidate? ;)

  2. 2tsp/
    I deplore fascism but I also deplore this eroding of our civil liberties in the name of the war on terror. Not quite as bad out here in Oz at the mo! (yet)

  3. Talking of war criminals, also of interest was Geoff Hoooon's truculent triumph to the BBC on his return late in the morning. Didn't Hoon think it was alright to use nuclear weapons in Iraq?

    Also, where is the link to Chelsea's 8 goals?

  4. 2Richard/
    Agree w/ the first part. Re the second 'No way!'
    I am not a Chelsea fan - the bit of blue on this page will have to do you!
