Thursday 27 May 2010

♪♫ Cabaret Voltaire - Seconds Too Late


  1. this is a furiggin great track, one of the best they ever did, i've always liked their early stuff but aint too hot of mid period onwards.... anyway i think i got an original video of this in my loft somewhere... will have to check it out.... got shedloads of stuff from our Ikon friends when we used to hang out in Manchester.... def got a copy of final academy too

  2. Dray/Dray/Dray...
    I have been after a copy of that Final Academy video again for years. I went all 4 nights down in Brixton and taped them all, which I think I may have told you but...oh man if you can dig out that vid!!!

  3. consider it done gza.... loft here i come and if wife has chucked it then consider her tied with duct tape and thrown in river.. anyway i am fairly certain i know a man who has one... let you know over weekend
