Saturday 7 March 2009

Grateful Dead - 'Dark Star' Musichalle Hamburg 29th April 1972

The venue

Jerry Garcia.

Today's choice in the continuing (been a while, sorry) series of all the 'Dark Stars' played on the Grateful Dead's European tour of 1972, is from Hamburg and is significant for me as it was the very first 'Dark Star' that I ever heard, having picked up the bootleg below as a 14 year old in Glasgow.

'Matrix' (a combination of SBD & AUD scource) of 'Dark Star-Sugar Magnolia-Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)- Who Do You Love'

Other Europe 72 Dark Stars:
Wembley, London - 04/08/72 here.
Bickershaw Festival - 05/07/72 here.
Rotterdam - 05/11/72 here.
(Use the search button on right to find more non Europe 72 live 'Dark Stars'.)


  1. grateful dead's europe'72 was the one i grew up with.
    the dark stars from this '72 tour are outstanding.
    here is a link to all dark stars :

  2. Thanx for the link. I have seen it before being somewhat obsessed by 'Dark Star' but I am sure there are plenty of people who haven't. Yes sometimes truly amazing music that has no boundaries. i am also a big fan of John Oswald's 'Grayfolded'.

  3. Now here's a strange thing Tim. I'm just nosing through your blog and I happen to be listening to this show at this very moment. A highlight of Euro '72 for sure

  4. There has been some strange synchronicity around at the moment I tell you, will email you details of a very strange one anon!
    For the reasons above I too have a very soft spot for this show.
