Monday 9 February 2009

Crazy & fuct up

Satellite image of the fires in Victoria.

"...One silver lining amid the devastation: the fires have not posed a significant threat to more populous areas, including Melbourne, as they sweep across rural outskirts of southeastern Australia...Still...the state is so dry from lack of rain that there are no safe areas. Wildfires are an annual event in Australia. But this year, a combination of factors has made them especially intense: a drought, dry bush and one of the most powerful heat waves in memory. Temperatures in parts of Melbourne reached 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit) in the last few weeks. Dozens of heat-related deaths have been reported.
By Sunday, the temperatures had dropped to the mid-20s in the area. Officials were hoping for some help from milder weather moving in. Droplets of rain had started to fall in some areas. Northern Australia, on the other hand, is grappling with a different problem. Sixty percent of the state of Queensland was flooded, officials reported, and residents were warned to be on the lookout for crocodiles in urban areas..."

From 'CNN' here.

1 comment:

  1. Its unbelievable whats happening down there, really bad.
    Not much chance to advoid disaster
    when everything happens like that.
    Like you where I live isn't a disaster zone, not much rain even in Brisbane. I heard about some people driving through a bit, maybe a foot of water in the north, who thinking they were driving over a speed bump in fact drove over a croc.
    And a 5 yr old was taken by one on the weekend somewhere near Ingham.
    Fire and floods its a tough country alright
    ciao bob
